Thursday, May 27, 2010

twitter cpl 2.0

Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

Posts have to be very short and so telling a complete story about anything is difficult. It makes for fast short information that may not be complete and may not tell the whole story. In order to get a whole story you would need to read more / investigate further on the internet and other places. I think twitter would be addictive as once you're on and committed to it you may be hooked and always checking new posts.
Having said all that I think I will set up and account to stay connected and find out what's new.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

LibraryThing CPL 2.0

I love the Library Thing. It took some time to create my account that is to find an unused username. But once I was in I was able to get reviews of the book I am reading. The reviews were great to read. I'm going to enter the books I read and have read and use the reviews.
It's nice to read what others say in their book reviews. It's a great site.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Google Documents CPL 2.0

I have already begun to use google documents and I'm mentioning it to customers when they could benefit from using it as well.
The wordprocessing in Google documents is not perfect and I'm hoping they will improve it. It's obviously not as sophisticated as Word. Having said that, it is still very helpful to have documents stored on the net and be able to access them from anywhere. I'm also hoping confidentiality is taken care of and that there will be lots of storage space available.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Flickr and YouTube CPL 2.0

• Comment on the quality, entertainment value, or usefulness of the content on these sites.

You tube is definitely very useful and entertaining. I enjoy being able to watch musical performances and political events news events etc etc etc. It's often handy at work for music / songs we cannot locate elsewhere.

I don't currently use Flickr but can see its usefulness as well. I tend to use Facebook for photo sharing.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

RSS Feeds CPL 2.0

Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? If not, where did you run into problems? If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you?

I was able to set up my RSS Feed. I tried to add to my feeds but kept getting the message that that site was not available for this but clearly it is because it has the RSS symbol....

Anyways this looks like a great service and I'm sure I'll use in the future. It will save time and reduce keyboarding.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Google CPL 2.0

What do you like about the Google product? What do you dislike? Would you recommend the product to friends and colleagues?

  • I would recommend Google Finance for stock prices and news about the stock market.
  • Google Maps is great for getting detailed directions for driving or walking from here to there.
  • I did not know that Google had a translation service. I'm going to be using this in the future for personal and work reasons.
  • I'm also going to use Google Picasa for photos sharing too.

There is not too much that I dislike about google. It is also a great search engine.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

facebook CPL 2.0

Why do you think social networking sites are so popular? What are the main appeal factors?

I think social networking is popular because people spend so many hours at their computers that they may have little time for the face to face interactions we used to have time for. Facebook allows for easy quick communication with many people at the same time. It allows people to keep in touch with minimum effort and time cost. I'm not sure about the quality of the interactions.
PS I already had a facebook account.